Helpers: How do I add a helper to Charms

Adding a helper in Charms takes only a moment of your time.  A helper can be added by the Head Director, Assistant, or an All Access user.

  1. Using the Navigation Panel on the left side of the screen, select Helpers
  2. At the top right side of the screen, select  

  1. Fill in the Helper Account User/Infomation
  2. Grant access to Charms features by expanding the Grant Access to the Following Options section and selecting the applicable features. To determine the right level of access, use this guide.
  3. Select 

  4. An email will be sent to the helper with their username, a link to create their password, and a how to get started video

NOTE: To provide limited access, select any option the helper will be using.  To grant All Access or Assistant access, only check the specific option.  Assistant access is ONLY for schools in TEXAS that register for UIL events.

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