Groups: Manage student groups

You must have at least one group set up before you can enter students into Charms. Students can be assigned to one primary group and as many other groups as you wish.

You can use groups to differentiate bands (marching, concert, etc), music or dance teams; basically any categorizes that you want to separate students into.

What do you want to do?

Create a group

Creating groups is one of the quick start setup steps. While it is an important setup step, you can create additional groups anytime.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Groups.
  2. Type a new group name and click "Create New Group"

Now, if you have already added and set up your students, you can begin assigning them to your group.

TIP: If you are in the Charms setup phase, your next step is to build a parts list and then you can add your students.

Assign a student to a group

There is no limit to how many groups a student can be assigned.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students,
  2. From the Select student list, select your student.
NOTE: If you have many students, use the filter functionality to narrow down your search. See  How does filtering work.
  1. In the Groups section, select each group that applies.
  2. To make a group the primary group, click the star next to the group name. Students can be assigned to one primary group and multiple other groups.
  3. When finished, click "Save"

Globally assign students to a group

You can quickly assign multiple students to a group using the Global Assignment functionality.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Globals.
  2. On the Global Students page, click Select Fields To Be Edited.
  3. On the Select Fields To Be Edited page, select your filters by checking/unchecking the boxes next to each filter option.

    NOTE: Only 5 columns can be selected at a time.

  4. Select "Done"

  1. You can filter further by selecting the Grade or Group options at the top of the page.
    • Click into the blank box under Grade or Group to get a drop down list of every group or grade range.
    • To apply the filters selected, click "Apply filter"
  2. To start making global changes, click on the information you would like to change next to the student's name.
    • A drop down list or a blank box will appear where you can make a selection or type the information in.
  3. When you make a change, you will see two options appear above the student names: "Save Changes" and "Cancel Changes". You will also see a timer listed. If you get called away or interrupted while you are working, the system will automatically save your changes every 2 minutes.

  1. When finished, click Save Changes. 
  2. Above the Student information you will see a confirmation message when the changes have saved.

NOTE: If you are changing students to active/inactive status using globals, you cannot use additional filter options besides "Status."

 Update a group name

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Groups.
  2. In the group listing, find your group and click the blue pencil icon to the right of the Group name

  3. Type your new group name and click "Change"

Delete a group

CAUTION: Do not delete a group that has students in it. Remove the students first, then delete the group. Also, keep in mind if you delete a group that is linked to a fixed payment item, and if students in the group have paid for the item, balance reports will display "paid but not assigned".

You can delete a group at anytime. Deleting a group does not delete the student.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Groups.
  2. In the group listing, find your group and click the red trashcan icon to the right of the Group name

  3. Confirm your delete by clicking "Delete"

NOTE: If you receive the following error:  

You still have students in the group you are attempting to delete.

Run a report for active and inactive students by following the directions below:

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Reports.
  2. Select General and Student Report.
  3. Under Select Filter Options, choose the group name you are attempting to delete from Charms.
  4. Check the box next to Include inactive Students?
  5. Under Select Label Options choose the information you would like displayed on your report.
  6. Select "Get Report" to display it on screen. Or if you prefer, export to Excel.

  7. Inactive students show with an (I) next to their name on the report.

  8. You will need to re-activate the students and remove them from the group prior to deleting the group.
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