General: Manage interests

Charms enables you to keep track of adult interests, skills, and expertise, which you can use to create a resource list for when the organization needs additional help.

NOTE: When you create interests, you can choose to display them on the public portal. Also, you can allow adults to edit their interests. To allow editing, go to  Main Sections >  Settings >  Adult/Student Preferences and select  Allow Adults to Edit Interests.

What do you want to do?

  • Create a new interest
  • Assign an adult to an interest
  • Run an interest report 
  • Edit an interest
  • Delete an interest

Create a new interest

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Interests.
  2. If you want to have the interest available for adults to see on the public portal, for Show to Adults, select Yes.
  3. For Enter New Interests, type in the interest and then click 



Assign an adult to an interest

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click View/Modify.
  2. Locate your student.
TIP: If you have many students, use the filter functionality to narrow down your search. See  How does filtering work?
  1. On the Student Information page, go to the Adults section, and for your adult, click 



  2. In the Interests section, select each interest that applies, and then click 



Run an interest report

You can use the Interest report as a resource list. It shows all your organization's interests and adults assigned to those interests, as well as contact information for the adults.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, click Interests, and then click Interest Reports.
  2. Click 



  3. Select each interest you want included, and then click 



You can print the report, or export it to Excel, which is a comma separated values (CSV) format.

Edit an interest

  1.  On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Interests.
  2. Locate the interest and click 



  3. Enter the interest and click 



  4. For Show to Adults, select your option. If yes, the interest is displayed on the public portal.

Delete an interest

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Students, and then click Interests.
  2. Locate the interest and click 



  3. Click 


    to confirm your action. 

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