Recurring Events

Do you have a practice that is scheduled every Monday at 2pm? Or a band camp that will run for a full week? Charms gives you the ability to create calendar events that recur daily or weekly in one set up instead of having to create each instance one at a time.

To create a Recurring Event:

  1. Click Calendar in the left-hand navigation
  2. Click on the first day your event will take place. This will open the window to create a calendar event.
  3. Enter your Event details just as you would for a single calendar event. If you need directions on how to create a new calendar event, you can find them
  4. Click the Event Control tab. Here you will see a new selection for Recurring Events

  5. If your event will repeat for a specific number of days, fill in the number of days your event will run for. For example: If your event is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, you would fill in 3 days to repeat.

  6. If your event will be on the same day of the week for multiple weeks, fill in the number of weeks the event will run for. For example: If your event happens every Monday for 8 weeks, you will fill in 8 weeks to repeat.

  7. Make the rest of the selections needed and then click “Save”

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