Edit calendar events

You can edit individual calendar events by clicking the event, making your edits, and then saving the event.

If you have multiple events to edit, use Charm's Global Edit feature. With global edits you can change the event code (for example, change the event from optional to required); you can add or remove options for displaying the event on the student, public, and district calendars; you can change whether or not you want to track attendance; and finally, you can delete events.

This article walks you through making edits using the Global Edit feature.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Calendar, and then click Global Edit.
TIP: You can type all or a portion of the event name, date, or location into the  Search box at the top right to quickly narrow down your events. Also, you can sort each column by clicking the arrows in the column heading. 
  1. On the Global Edit Events page, make your edits. Charms automatically saves your edits. 
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