Forms: E Sign Audit Log

The eSign Audit Log is a quick and easy way for schools to review who electronically signed a form for both the present and past school years. 

To review:

  1. CLICK Communicate in the left hand navigation
  2. CLICK Student Forms in the left hand navigation
  3. Click eSigned Audit Log

This will launch the eSign Audit Log. From here you will have many options as to how you see the data. For ease of use, the page will default to the current school year

  1. If you need to look for a student in a previous school year, select that school year form the School Year drop down.


  2. If you need to look for a specific student, enter that students name in the Student Name box

  3. If you need to look for a specific person who signed a form (ex: a parent), enter that person’s name in the Signatory Name box


  4. If you need to review a certain date range, enter the dates you wish to review in the Date Range Start and End box. If you wish to change those dates, simple hit Clear and re-enter your new set of dates


  5. Once you have made all your selections, Click the Run Report button.


  6. If you wish to export your results, there are two options. You may either Click Export to Excel or Export to PDF

  7. Or if you just need to validate the signatures for the forms, Click on the Electronically Signed button to the right of each entry.

  8. You are also able to sort your results in ascending/descending order by selecting the column name :
    • The primary sorting option is Form Name, your secondary sorting option is student name. 
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