Phone: Schedule and send a phone message

You can schedule a phone message to go out immediately, or at a future date and time. 

Prerequisite: The phone message is created.

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Communicate, click Phone Messaging, and then click Schedule Calls.

TIP: You can also schedule a phone message by clicking Schedule at the top of the phone messaging page.  Main Sections > Communicate > Phone Messaging:  


  1. In the Select Message list, find your message and click 



  2. Select the filters you want for the phone message. 
NOTE: Remember you can use the Charms filtering feature to filter using additional options such as groups, grades, and parts.
  1. Click 


    . Charms displays all the recipients matching your filter.

  2. Select Select All Numbers to include all results, or select individual numbers.
  3. Send the phone message immediately by clicking 



  4. Schedule the message to send later, by clicking 



  5. Fill in the message date and time, and then click 


  6. Confirm your decision by clicking 



Now you can view your scheduled phone messages.

IMPORTANT: If a parent/student phone number is in Charms multiple times, the system will try and reach that number for every instance in Charms.

The phone service will try to reach a number three times with a six minute interval between attempts.

You may wish to make your parents/students aware of this so they understand why they may get the same call multiple times.

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