Inventory: Order inventory barcode labels

You can order inventory barcode labels from us. We charge for setup, shipping, and individual labels. Place your order and we will send you a quote. We will print and ship your labels to you after we receive your payment.

Prerequisite: You must have inventory data entered in Charms prior to ordering barcode labels. 

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Inventory, and then click Order Labels.

NOTE: If you have a large inventory of items, it may take a few seconds to display the items.
  1. Use the Search feature to narrow down the inventory item(s). You can search for a category, an item number, brand, a or a barcode number.

  2. From your search results, select each item you want a barcode label for. Click Select All to select all the results.

  3. Click the green "Make Order" button in the upper right hand corner once you have selected all of the labels you wish to order. You will see a count of the number of labels you have selected to the left of the "Make Order" button.

  4. Review the Summary information.
  5. For Notes or Additional Instructions, add any instructions or special requests. 
  6. Click the blue "Order" button if you are satisfied you have everything you need.

    8. If you have forgotten something, click the "Cancel" button, add the items you missed and then click the "Make Order" button.


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