Library: Return a library item

You can return library items by selecting the student and the item(s) or just by scanning the item's barcode. This article addresses both options.

Also, you can import multiple library return assignments using an Opticon Scanner. For information on using the Opticon Scanner to import return assignments, see Import library assignments using the Opticon Scanner.

  TIP: You can check your library assignments at any time.

Return a library item

  1. On the Main Sections menu, click Library, and then click Assignments.
  2. Select the student from the Select student list.
  3. Locate the assigned item and click 



  4. Click 


    to confirm your return.

Return a library item using barcodes

When returning library items using barcodes, you need to scan only the library barcode, it isn't necessary to scan the student barcode. Have the library barcode information handy. 

  • If your library items do not have barcode labels on them, you can print barcodes. See Print library barcodes
  1.  On the Main Sections menu, click Library.
  2. For Scan Copy, place your cursor in the field and either scan or type the item's barcode.
  3. For Select Action, select Barcode Return, and then click 



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