Miscellaneous ledger: Transfer misc. ledger funds to multiple fixed payment items

Fixed payments are either paid in full or not paid. If a student does not have the funds to fully pay for a fixed payment item, we suggest posting credit payments the student's miscellaneous ledger and when they have accrued the full amount, transfer the money to the fixed payment item or items.

  1. On the Mains Sections menu, click Finances, click Misc. Ledgers, and then click Multiple Transfers.
  2. In the Select student list, select your student.
TIP: If you have many students, use the filter functionality to narrow down your search. See  How does filtering work?
  1. On the Transfer Multiple Items page, you see all the fixed payment items the student owes. Select the items you want to pay for.
NOTE: The student must have enough funds to transfer to the fixed payment item. Their miscellaneous ledger balance displays under the items so you can quickly tell how much money they have available for the transfer.
  1. After you select the fixed payment items, the Transfer Budget Amount section displays. Fill in the information and click 


  2. .
    • In most cases you will just be shifting monies between the student's miscellaneous and fixed payment ledgers and therefore will leave the From Account to Do Not Transfer Budget
    • If you are moving money between account ledgers or budget categories, for From Account, select the account ledger and for Category, select the applicable budget category. Then, for To Account, select the account ledger, and for Category, select the applicable budget category.
    • When transferring between account ledger budget categories, you can only shift from income to income or expense to expense.
    • The Amount to Transfer is automatically calculated and displays in the field.

After you click transfer, Charms takes you to the student's miscellaneous ledger where, on the Transaction Detail tab, you see the transaction detail.

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