Promote and Graduate Students

This section walks you through promoting and graduating your students into the new school year.

NOTE: If your school feeds into another school that uses Charms, go to the  Promote and Transfer Students to A Feeder School article.
  1. On the end of year page, find Graduate and Promote Student and click "Start"

  2. On the Graduate and Promote Students page, select an option next to each student's name.

Options include:

  • Promote: Moves the student into the next grade level.
  • Graduate: Removes the student from Charms. As a default, Charms copies graduating students to the alumni database; however, you can choose not to do this.


  • Ignore: Moves the student to the new school year but doesn't advance the grade level.
  • Transfer: Removes the student from your school and moves them to the school you feed.
NOTE: You can filter to find a specific group of students and quickly update their status. However, be aware that when you save your selections, ALL student selections are saved, not just the ones you filtered for. You cannot graduate and promote students in waves.
  1. If you want to copy the graduating students to the alumni database, ensure the "Copy Graduating Students to Alumni" is checked. Clear the check box if you do not want your graduating students moved to Alumnin

TIP: To access alumni information in Charms, go to:  Main Sections >  Home >  Alumni.
  1. By selecting "Check Mode" you enable the "Check Action" feature                           

  2. Under "Check Action" you can select an option (Promote/Ignore/Transfer/Graduate) and process your selection in bulk    

  3. If you are transferring students to another school, select the school from the list.

  4. If you would like to include inactive students in the end of year process, make sure the "Include Inactive" box is checked. If this box is not checked, your inactive students will not be included in your end of year process.

    Inactive students will be listed with a red "I" behind their name

  5. You can now use filters to lessen the number of students on the screen    

  1. Review the action to the left of each students name in the dropdown menu      

  1. Complete each page of students, by selecting the "Next Page" option                                                           

  1. Then select "Review Changes"                                                                                             

  1. On the Confirm Student Actions page, review your selections. If you are satisfied with the selections, click Save. If not, click Back and walk through the steps again.
IMPORTANT: When you click Save, this section is locked and you cannot make updates. Be sure you are confident in your selections.
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