Promote and Transfer Students to A Feeder School

This section walks you through promoting and transferring your students into one or multiple feeder schools.

NOTEIf your school feeds another school that uses Charms, do not complete this section until the feeder school has completed their end-of-year processing.

  1. On the end of year page, find Graduate and Promote Student and click "Start"

  2. On the Graduate and Promote Students page, select an option next to each student's name.

    Options you will select:

    • Promote: Moves the student into the next grade level.
    • Ignore: Moves the student to the new school year but does not advance the grade level.
    • Transfer: Removes the student from your school and moves them to the school you feed.
    • Graduate: Removes the student from Charms. As a default, Charms copies graduating students to the alumni database; you can choose not to do this.


3. Choose the "Transfer" option if you are a middle school feeding students into a high school          account.

    • Select "Graduate" to access the drop-down list where "Transfer" is displayed.
    • Once "Transfer" is selected, you can choose the school the student will be moving to.

NOTE: If the school or schools you are transferring students to are not listed in the drop-down list of schools, follow the steps below:

  1. click on your name at the top right side of Charms > select “update profile.”

  2. select “Schools You Feed” > select the name of the feeder school from the drop-down menu OR select “multiple schools” to transfer students to more than one school.

  3. To save your changes select "Update Profile"

  4. Go back to the “Graduate and Promote” end of year step.
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