Uniforms: Import student size information

You can import student size information, this is helpful in matching available inventory to students. Use the Import Uniform Sizes template. 

General Import template information

  • The template contains several columns. If the column heading font is red, the field is required.
  • Do not move, delete, or rename columns.
  • Do not change the template name. 
  • Do not re-import a template. After an import, if you need to make changes to the data, do that manually in Charms.
  • For money fields, do not add currency signs.
  • For measurement fields, enter a number. No need to add the word inches or pounds/lbs.
  • For date fields, use mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • If there is a number in parentheses after the column name, that is the maximum number of characters you can enter for that field.
  • If there is a pound sign in parentheses after the column name (#) enter a number in that field.

Import student uniform sizes

  1.  On the Main Sections menu, click Imports.
  2. At the top right, for Select Upload Type, select Import Uniform Sizes.

  3. Open the CharmsStudentUniformSizes template and save it with the same name. Remember where you saved the template.
  4. In the template, fill in the required fields (shown in red) and as many of the other fields as you wish.
      • (Required) For Student ID, use the same spelling and case as the category is displayed in Charms.

        TIP: Locate your Student ID under  Main Sections >  Students >  View/Modify >  Student Contact Info. Or, run a Student Report.
  5. Return to Charms and click "Upload"
  6. Navigate to your template and select it.
    1. You can click in the Drop Files or Click to Upload area and select your template.
    2. As an alternative, you can drag your template from its location and drop it into the Drop Files or Click to Upload area.
  7. Charms uploads the information and if there are no errors, you receive an import successful message. Click "Continue"

Your student uniform size information is updated in Charms. To see the new data, open the Student Uniform Sizes report, which is found under Main Sections > UniformsReports.

Fix import errors

If there are import errors, Charms displays a failed error message and no records are uploaded.

  1. To see the errors, click View Data. Errors are shown in red so you can easily spot the problem.
  2. Go back to your template, correct the errors, and save the template. Remember to use the same template name.
  3. Return to Charms, and on the Import Uniform Sizes page, click "Upload"
  4. Navigate to your template and select it.
    1. You can click in the Drop Files or Click to Upload area, and select your template.
    2. As an alternative, you can drag your template from its location and drop it into the Drop Files or Click to Upload area.
  5. Continue this process until the template loads successfully.
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