Update your profile

The information you provide in your profile and program preferences is used in different areas throughout Charms. We recommend filling in as much detail as possible.

NOTE: Some information on the profile page may vary depending on your level of access.

  1. In the top right section of Charms, click your name and select Update Profile.
  2. On the Update Personal Program and Profile page, fill in your information.
  3. When finished, click "Update Profile"

The following table provides definitions for the fields on the Update Personal Program and Profile page.

Name Your name.
Program Name Legal name of your organization.
Program Address Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax
Cell phone & Carrier This information enables you to receive text messages to your cell phone through the Charms email functionality. If you do not want to receive text messages, leave the Carrier field blank.
Email Address When you send emails, this is the email address that replies are sent to. 
Receive Charms Emails Selecting this option ensures you receive all emails Charms sends. Note that you will always receive renewal notices and invoice requests.
Use Email Signature Adds your email signature to the bottom of your emails. If selected, the Email Signature field is displayed and you can create your signature.
Email Client If you use an email service and would like to have it linked to your Charms account instead of using the Charms email sender, select the client.
Security Question and Answer Used to provide added log in security.
Renewal Date This is your account renewal date. We send renewal notices 60 days prior to this date.
Grade Range Choose the low and high grade years for your students.
Time Zone Select your time zone.
Website This is your school or organization's website. This website will be in the Charms log in page for your students.
Schools You Feed If your graduating students continue on to another school, select the school from this list. If you feed more than one school, select Multiple Schools. This information is used during the end of month process.

Select your preferences

  1. In the top right section of Charms, click your name and select Program Preferences
  2. Choose preferences for the following:
    1. Share Library
    2. Events to Show on Hub
    3. Display Student Names - you can select if you would like to see student names by First/Last or Last/First. This is unique to each user.
    4. Email One Student
    5. Hide Email Addresses for Email Helpers
    6. Point Systems Labe
  3. Click Update Preferences
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